Dagenham Depot Processes 750,000t Per Annum
jas@medwaybm.co.uk 17/10/2022 13:17:56

Our Dagenham depot has processed over 750,000t of aggregate in the last year. The processing plant has the ability to handle over 300 tonnes of material per hour. The raw material goes through a screening process which outputs 4 sizes of material :
- 0 - 4mm sand
- 4 - 10mm Shingle
- 10 -20mm Shingle
- Reject Stone
At our Dagenham depot, we have implemented a material crusher to reduce the amount of waste material and to ensure that we achieve our sustainability commitments. The Reject stone from the initial screening process is processed through the crusher to produce sub 20mm material, which is then re-screened . This has been instrumental in helping us achieve our zero waste material target.